One more implementation of ReactiveX approach in C++ with care about performance and templates in mind
No Matches
#include <rpp/rpp.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main()
auto start = rpp::schedulers::clock_type::now();
rpp::source::just(rpp::schedulers::current_thread{}, 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10)
.flat_map([](int v)
return rpp::source::just(v)
.delay(std::chrono::milliseconds(500) * v, rpp::schedulers::current_thread{});
.tap([&](int v)
std::cout << "Sent value " << v << " at " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(rpp::schedulers::clock_type::now() - start).count() << std::endl;
.debounce(std::chrono::milliseconds{700}, rpp::schedulers::current_thread{})
.subscribe([](int v) { std::cout << "new value " << v << std::endl; },
[]() { std::cout << "completed" << std::endl; });
// Output:
// Sent value 1 at 504
// Sent value 2 at 1009
// new value 2
// Sent value 5 at 2505
// Sent value 6 at 3010
// new value 6
// Sent value 9 at 4507
// Sent value 10 at 5007
// new value 10
// completed
return 0;
Schedules execution of schedulables via queueing tasks to the caller thread with priority to time_poi...
Definition: trampoline_scheduler.hpp:41