▼Nrpp | |
▼Ndetails | |
▼Ndisposables | |
Cdynamic_disposables_container | |
Cstatic_disposables_container | Container with fixed std::array as underlying storage |
Cstatic_disposables_container< 0 > | |
▼Nobservables | |
Cblocking_disposable | |
Cblocking_strategy | |
Cchain | |
Cchain< TStrategy > | |
Cdynamic_disposables_strategy | |
Cdynamic_strategy | |
Cfake_strategy | |
Cfixed_disposables_strategy | |
Cmake_chain | |
Cmake_chain< New, chain< Args... > > | |
▼Nobservers | |
Cboolean_disposables_strategy | |
Cdynamic_strategy | |
Cfake_strategy | |
Clambda_strategy | |
Clocal_disposables_strategy | |
Cnone_disposables_strategy | |
▼Cobserver_vtable | |
Cvtable_t | |
Coverride_disposables_strategy | |
Ctype_erased_observer | |
Cauto_dispose_wrapper | |
Cbase_disposable_impl | |
Cconcat_source_observer_strategy | |
Cconcat_state_t | |
Cconcat_strategy | |
Ccreate_strategy | |
Cdefer_strategy | |
Cdisposable_wrapper_base | |
Cempty_strategy | |
Cenable_wrapper_from_this | |
Cerror_strategy | |
Cfrom_callable_invoke | |
Cfrom_iterable_schedulable | |
Cfrom_iterable_strategy | |
Cinterval_schedulable | |
Cinterval_strategy | |
Cnever_strategy | |
Cobserver_impl | |
Cref_count_on_subscribe_t | |
▼Cref_count_on_subscribe_t< rpp::connectable_observable< OriginalObservable, Subject > > | |
Cstate_t | |
Crefocunt_disposable_inner | |
Cshared_container | |
Ctuple_impl | |
Ctuple_impl< std::index_sequence< Indices... >, Args... > | |
Ctuple_leaf | |
Cvariant_observable_strategy | |
▼Nmemory_model | |
Cuse_shared | |
Cuse_stack | |
▼Noperators | |
▼Ndetails | |
Cas_blocking_t | |
Cbuffer_observer_strategy | |
▼Cbuffer_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Ccombine_latest_disposable | |
Ccombine_latest_observer_strategy | |
Ccombine_latest_t | |
Ccombining_disposable | |
Ccombining_observer_strategy | |
▼Ccombining_operator_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cconcat_disposable | |
Cconcat_inner_observer_strategy | |
Cconcat_observer_strategy | |
▼Cconcat_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cdebounce_disposable | |
Cdebounce_disposable_wrapper | |
Cdebounce_observer_strategy | |
▼Cdebounce_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cdelay_disposable | |
Cdelay_disposable_wrapper | |
Cdelay_observer_strategy | |
▼Cdelay_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cdistinct_observer_strategy | |
▼Cdistinct_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cdistinct_until_changed_observer_strategy | |
▼Cdistinct_until_changed_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Celement_at_observer_strategy | |
▼Celement_at_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cemission | |
Cfilter_observer_strategy | |
▼Cfilter_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
▼Cfinally_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cfirst_observer_strategy | |
▼Cfirst_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cflat_map_t | |
Cforwarding_subject | |
Cgroup_by_inner_observer_strategy | |
Cgroup_by_observable_strategy | |
Cgroup_by_observer_strategy | |
▼Cgroup_by_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cinfinite_repeat_t | |
Clast_observer_strategy | |
▼Clast_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Clift_operator | |
Cmap_observer_strategy | |
▼Cmap_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cmerge_disposable | |
Cmerge_observer_base_strategy | |
Cmerge_observer_inner_strategy | |
Cmerge_observer_strategy | |
▼Cmerge_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
▼Cmerge_with_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cmulticast_t | |
Con_error_resume_next_disposable | |
Con_error_resume_next_inner_observer_strategy | |
Con_error_resume_next_observer_strategy | |
▼Con_error_resume_next_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Creduce_no_seed_observer_strategy | |
▼Creduce_no_seed_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Creduce_observer_strategy | |
▼Creduce_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cref_count_t | |
Crepeat_t | |
Cretry_observer_strategy | |
Cretry_state_t | |
▼Cretry_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cretry_when_impl_inner_strategy | |
Cretry_when_impl_strategy | |
Cretry_when_state | |
▼Cretry_when_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cscan_no_seed_observer_strategy | |
▼Cscan_no_seed_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cscan_observer_strategy | |
▼Cscan_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cskip_observer_strategy | |
▼Cskip_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cstart_with_t | |
Cstart_with_values_t | |
Csubscribe_on_schedulable | |
▼Csubscribe_on_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Csubscribe_t | |
Csubscribe_t< observer< Type, ObserverStrategy > > | |
Csubscribe_t< ObserverStrategy > | |
Csubscribe_t< OnNext, OnError, OnCompleted > | |
Csubscribe_t< rpp::composite_disposable_wrapper, observer< Type, ObserverStrategy > > | |
Csubscribe_t< rpp::composite_disposable_wrapper, ObserverStrategy > | |
Csubscribe_t< rpp::composite_disposable_wrapper, OnNext, OnError, OnCompleted > | |
Cswitch_on_next_inner_observer_strategy | |
Cswitch_on_next_observer_strategy | |
Cswitch_on_next_state_t | |
▼Cswitch_on_next_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Ctake_last_observer_strategy | |
▼Ctake_last_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Ctake_observer_strategy | |
▼Ctake_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Ctake_until_disposable | |
Ctake_until_observer_strategy | |
Ctake_until_observer_strategy_base | |
▼Ctake_until_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Ctake_until_throttle_observer_strategy | |
Ctake_while_observer_strategy | |
▼Ctake_while_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Ctap_observer_strategy | |
▼Ctap_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Ctemplate_multicast_t | |
Cthrottle_observer_strategy | |
▼Cthrottle_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
▼Ctimeout_disposable | |
Cobserver_with_timeout | |
Ctimeout_disposable_wrapper | |
Ctimeout_observer_strategy | |
▼Ctimeout_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
▼Ctimeout_with_error_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cwindow_observer_strategy | |
▼Cwindow_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cwindow_toggle_closing_observer_strategy | |
Cwindow_toggle_observer_strategy | |
Cwindow_toggle_opening_observer_strategy | |
▼Cwindow_toggle_state | |
Cstate_t | |
▼Cwindow_toggle_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Cwith_latest_from_disposable | |
Cwith_latest_from_inner_observer_strategy | |
Cwith_latest_from_observer_strategy | |
▼Cwith_latest_from_t | |
Coperator_traits | |
Czip_disposable | |
Czip_observer_strategy | |
Czip_t | |
▼Nschedulers | |
▼Nconstraint | |
▼Ndetails | |
Cis_worker | |
Cis_worker< rpp::schedulers::worker< Strategy > > | |
▼Ndetails | |
Cfake_schedulable_handler | |
Coptional_mutex | |
▼Cschedulable_base | |
Cadvanced_call | |
Cschedulables_queue | |
Cshared_queue_data | |
Cspecific_schedulable | |
Ccomputational | Scheduler owning static thread pool of workers and using "some" thread from this pool on create_worker call |
▼Ccurrent_thread | Schedules execution of schedulables via queueing tasks to the caller thread with priority to time_point and order |
Cis_queue_is_empty | |
Cworker_strategy | |
Cdelay_from_now | Timepoint of next execution would be calculcated from NOW timpoint (time of returning from schedulable) |
Cdelay_from_this_timepoint | Timepoint of next execution would be calculcated from timepoint of current scheduling |
Cdelay_to | Provide timepoint of next execution explicitly |
▼Cimmediate | Immediately calls provided schedulable or waits for time_point (in the caller-thread) |
Cworker_strategy | |
▼Cnew_thread | Scheduler which schedules invoking of schedulables to another thread via queueing tasks with priority to time_point and order |
Cworker_strategy | |
Crun_loop | Scheduler which schedules execution via queueing tasks, but execution of tasks should be manually dispatched |
▼Ctest_scheduler | |
Cstate | |
Cworker_strategy | |
Cthread_pool | Scheduler owning static thread pool of workers and using "some" thread from this pool on create_worker call |
Cworker | |
▼Nsubjects | |
▼Ndetails | |
Cbehavior_subject_base | |
Ccompleted | |
Cdisposed | |
Cpublish_subject_base | |
Creplay_subject_base | |
Csubject_on_subscribe_strategy | |
Csubject_state | |
Cbehavior_subject | Same as rpp::subjects::publish_subject but keeps last value (or default) and emits it to newly subscribed observer |
Cpublish_subject | Subject which just multicasts values to observers subscribed on it. It contains two parts: observer and observable at the same time |
Creplay_subject | Same as rpp::subjects::publish_subject but send all earlier emitted values to any new observers |
Cserialized_behavior_subject | Same as rpp::subjects::behavior_subject but on_next/on_error/on_completed calls are serialized via mutex |
Cserialized_publish_subject | Serialized version of rpp::subjects::publish_subject |
Cserialized_replay_subject | Same as rpp::subjects::replay_subject but on_next/on_error/on_completed calls are serialized via mutex |
▼Nutils | |
▼Ndetails | |
Ctraits | |
Cunique_variant_t | |
Cunique_variant_t< std::variant< Ts... >, U, Us... > | |
Cconvertible_to_any | |
Cempty_function_any_by_lvalue_t | |
Cempty_function_any_t | |
Cempty_function_t | |
Cequal_to | |
Cfinally_action | Calls passed function during destruction |
Cfunction_traits | |
Cfunction_traits< R(*)()> | |
Cfunction_traits< R(*)(Args...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const > | |
Cfunction_traits< R(T::*)(Args...)> | |
▼Cinfinite_repeated_container | |
Citerator | |
Cis_not_template_callable_t | |
Cis_not_template_callable_t< R(*)(Args...)> | |
Cis_not_template_callable_t< R(T::*)(Args...) const > | |
Cis_not_template_callable_t< R(T::*)(Args...)> | |
Cis_not_template_callable_t< T, std::void_t< decltype(&T::operator())> > | |
Cless | |
Cmore_disposables_than_expected | |
Cnone | |
Cnone_mutex | |
Cnot_enough_emissions | |
Cout_of_range | |
Coverloaded | |
Cpack_to_tuple | |
▼Crepeated_container | |
Citerator | |
Crethrow_error_t | |
Creturn_true | |
Cstatic_mem_fn | |
Ctimeout_reached | |
Ctuple | |
Ctypes | |
▼Cvalue_with_mutex | |
Cpointer_under_lock | |
Cblocking_observable | Extension over rpp::observable with set of blocking operators - it waits till completion of underlying observable |
Ccallback_disposable | Disposable invokes underlying callable on disposing |
Ccomposite_disposable | Disposable which can keep some other sub-disposables. When this root disposable is disposed, then all sub-disposables would be disposed too |
Ccomposite_disposable_impl | Disposable which can keep some other sub-disposables. When this root disposable is disposed, then all sub-disposables would be disposed too |
Cconnectable_observable | Extension over raw observable with ability to be manually connected at any time or ref_counting (sharing same observable between multiple observers) |
Cdisposable_wrapper_impl | Main RPP wrapper over disposables |
Cdynamic_connectable_observable | |
Cdynamic_observable | Type-erased version of the rpp::observable . Any observable can be converted to dynamic_observable via rpp::observable::as_dynamic member function |
Cdynamic_observer | Type-erased version of the rpp::observer . Any observer can be converted to dynamic_observer via rpp::observer::as_dynamic member function |
Cgrouped_observable | Extension over rpp::observable for some "subset" of values from original observable grouped by some key. It has get_key() member function. Used in group_by operator to represent grouped observable |
Cinterface_composite_disposable | |
Cinterface_disposable | Interface of disposable |
Cobservable | Base class for any observable used in RPP. It handles core callbacks of observable |
Cobserver | Base class for any observer used in RPP. It handles core callbacks of observers. Objects of this class would be passed to subscribe of observable |
Cobserver< Type, details::observers::override_disposables_strategy< Strategy, DisposableStrategy > > | |
Cobserver< Type, rpp::details::observers::dynamic_strategy< Type > > | |
Crefcount_disposable | |
Cvariant_observable | Extension over rpp::observable to provide ability statically keep one of multiple observables |
▼Nrppasio | |
▼Nschedulers | |
Cstrand | Asio based scheduler where each worker is assigned an asio strand to execute schedulables with the guarantee that none of those schedulables will execute concurrently |
▼Nrppgrpc | |
▼Ndetails | |
Cbase_reader | |
▼Cbase_writer | |
Cobserver_strategy | |
▼Nutils | |
Creactor_failed | |
Cclient_bidi_reactor | RPP's based implementation for grpc client bidirectional reactor |
Cclient_read_reactor | RPP's based implementation for grpc client read reactor |
Cclient_write_reactor | RPP's based implementation for grpc client write reactor |
Cserver_bidi_reactor | RPP's based implementation for grpc server bidirectional reactor |
Cserver_read_reactor | RPP's based implementation for grpc server read reactor |
Cserver_write_reactor | RPP's based implementation for grpc server write reactor |
▼Nrppqt | |
▼Ndetails | |
Cfrom_signal_on_event | |
Cfrom_signal_on_event< Arg > | |
Cfrom_signal_on_event<> | |
▼Nschedulers | |
Cmain_thread_scheduler | Schedule provided schedulables to main GUI QT thread (where QApplication placed) |
▼Nutils | |
Cno_active_qapplication | |
Cmock_observer_strategy | |
Cserver | |
▼Csimple_map | |
Coperator_traits | |