ReactiveX implementation for C++20
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Cstatic_disposables_containerContainer with fixed std::array as underlying storage
 Cstatic_disposables_container< 0 >
 Cchain< TStrategy >
 Cmake_chain< New, chain< Args... > >
 Cref_count_on_subscribe_t< rpp::connectable_observable< OriginalObservable, Subject > >
 Ctuple_impl< std::index_sequence< Indices... >, Args... >
 Csubscribe_t< observer< Type, ObserverStrategy > >
 Csubscribe_t< ObserverStrategy >
 Csubscribe_t< OnNext, OnError, OnCompleted >
 Csubscribe_t< rpp::composite_disposable_wrapper, observer< Type, ObserverStrategy > >
 Csubscribe_t< rpp::composite_disposable_wrapper, ObserverStrategy >
 Csubscribe_t< rpp::composite_disposable_wrapper, OnNext, OnError, OnCompleted >
 Cis_worker< rpp::schedulers::worker< Strategy > >
 CcomputationalScheduler owning static thread pool of workers and using "some" thread from this pool on create_worker call
 Ccurrent_threadSchedules execution of schedulables via queueing tasks to the caller thread with priority to time_point and order
 Cdelay_from_nowTimepoint of next execution would be calculcated from NOW timpoint (time of returning from schedulable)
 Cdelay_from_this_timepointTimepoint of next execution would be calculcated from timepoint of current scheduling
 Cdelay_toProvide timepoint of next execution explicitly
 CimmediateImmediately calls provided schedulable or waits for time_point (in the caller-thread)
 Cnew_threadScheduler which schedules invoking of schedulables to another thread via queueing tasks with priority to time_point and order
 Crun_loopScheduler which schedules execution via queueing tasks, but execution of tasks should be manually dispatched
 Cthread_poolScheduler owning static thread pool of workers and using "some" thread from this pool on create_worker call
 Cbehavior_subjectSame as rpp::subjects::publish_subject but keeps last value (or default) and emits it to newly subscribed observer
 Cpublish_subjectSubject which just multicasts values to observers subscribed on it. It contains two parts: observer and observable at the same time
 Creplay_subjectSame as rpp::subjects::publish_subject but send all earlier emitted values to any new observers
 Cserialized_behavior_subjectSame as rpp::subjects::behavior_subject but on_next/on_error/on_completed calls are serialized via mutex
 Cserialized_publish_subjectSerialized version of rpp::subjects::publish_subject
 Cserialized_replay_subjectSame as rpp::subjects::replay_subject but on_next/on_error/on_completed calls are serialized via mutex
 Cunique_variant_t< std::variant< Ts... >, U, Us... >
 Cfinally_actionCalls passed function during destruction
 Cfunction_traits< R(*)()>
 Cfunction_traits< R(*)(Args...)>
 Cfunction_traits< R(T::*)(Args...) const >
 Cfunction_traits< R(T::*)(Args...)>
 Cis_not_template_callable_t< R(*)(Args...)>
 Cis_not_template_callable_t< R(T::*)(Args...) const >
 Cis_not_template_callable_t< R(T::*)(Args...)>
 Cis_not_template_callable_t< T, std::void_t< decltype(&T::operator())> >
 Cblocking_observableExtension over rpp::observable with set of blocking operators - it waits till completion of underlying observable
 Ccallback_disposableDisposable invokes underlying callable on disposing
 Ccomposite_disposableDisposable which can keep some other sub-disposables. When this root disposable is disposed, then all sub-disposables would be disposed too
 Ccomposite_disposable_implDisposable which can keep some other sub-disposables. When this root disposable is disposed, then all sub-disposables would be disposed too
 Cconnectable_observableExtension over raw observable with ability to be manually connected at any time or ref_counting (sharing same observable between multiple observers)
 Cdisposable_wrapper_implMain RPP wrapper over disposables
 Cdynamic_observableType-erased version of the rpp::observable. Any observable can be converted to dynamic_observable via rpp::observable::as_dynamic member function
 Cdynamic_observerType-erased version of the rpp::observer. Any observer can be converted to dynamic_observer via rpp::observer::as_dynamic member function
 Cgrouped_observableExtension over rpp::observable for some "subset" of values from original observable grouped by some key. It has get_key() member function. Used in group_by operator to represent grouped observable
 Cinterface_disposableInterface of disposable
 CobservableBase class for any observable used in RPP. It handles core callbacks of observable
 CobserverBase class for any observer used in RPP. It handles core callbacks of observers. Objects of this class would be passed to subscribe of observable
 Cobserver< Type, details::observers::override_disposables_strategy< Strategy, DisposableStrategy > >
 Cobserver< Type, rpp::details::observers::dynamic_strategy< Type > >
 Cvariant_observableExtension over rpp::observable to provide ability statically keep one of multiple observables
 CstrandAsio based scheduler where each worker is assigned an asio strand to execute schedulables with the guarantee that none of those schedulables will execute concurrently
 Cclient_bidi_reactorRPP's based implementation for grpc client bidirectional reactor
 Cclient_read_reactorRPP's based implementation for grpc client read reactor
 Cclient_write_reactorRPP's based implementation for grpc client write reactor
 Cserver_bidi_reactorRPP's based implementation for grpc server bidirectional reactor
 Cserver_read_reactorRPP's based implementation for grpc server read reactor
 Cserver_write_reactorRPP's based implementation for grpc server write reactor
 Cfrom_signal_on_event< Arg >
 Cmain_thread_schedulerSchedule provided schedulables to main GUI QT thread (where QApplication placed)