One more implementation of ReactiveX approach in C++ with care about performance and templates in mind
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Creational Operators

Creational operators are operators that create new observable. More...


template<constraint::decayed_type Type, constraint::on_subscribe_fn< Type > OnSubscribeFn>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::create_tag, Type, OnSubscribeFn>
auto rpp::observable::create (OnSubscribeFn &&on_subscribe)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable with passed action as OnSubscribe.
template<constraint::decayed_type Type>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::empty_tag, Type>
auto rpp::observable::empty ()
 Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits no items but terminates normally.
template<constraint::decayed_type Type>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::error_tag, Type>
auto rpp::observable::error (const std::exception_ptr &err)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits no items and terminates with an error.
template<memory_model memory_model, typename T , typename ... Ts>
requires (rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::just_tag, T, Ts...> && (constraint::decayed_same_as<T, Ts> && ...))
auto rpp::observable::just (const schedulers::constraint::scheduler auto &scheduler, T &&item, Ts &&...items)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits a particular items and completes.
template<memory_model memory_model, typename T , typename ... Ts>
requires (rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::just_tag, T, Ts...> && (constraint::decayed_same_as<T, Ts> && ...))
auto rpp::observable::just (T &&item, Ts &&...items)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits a particular items and completes.
template<memory_model memory_model, schedulers::constraint::scheduler TScheduler>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::from_tag, TScheduler >
auto rpp::observable::from_iterable (constraint::iterable auto &&iterable, const TScheduler &scheduler)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits a items from provided iterable.
template<memory_model memory_model>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::from_tag, decltype(callable)>
auto rpp::observable::from_callable (std::invocable<> auto &&callable)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable that calls provided callable and emits resulting value of this callable.
template<schedulers::constraint::scheduler TScheduler = schedulers::trampoline>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::interval_tag, TScheduler>
auto rpp::observable::interval (schedulers::duration period, const TScheduler &scheduler)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable which emits sequence of size_t every provided time interval.
template<schedulers::constraint::scheduler TScheduler = schedulers::trampoline>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::interval_tag, TScheduler>
auto rpp::observable::interval (schedulers::duration first_delay, schedulers::duration period, const TScheduler &scheduler)
 Creates rpp::specific_observable which emits sequence of size_t every provided time interval with first emission after provided delay.
template<constraint::decayed_type Type>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::never_tag, Type>
auto rpp::observable::never ()
 Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits no items and does not terminate.

Detailed Description

Creational operators are operators that create new observable.

See also

Function Documentation

◆ create()

template<constraint::decayed_type Type, constraint::on_subscribe_fn< Type > OnSubscribeFn>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::create_tag, Type, OnSubscribeFn>
auto rpp::observable::create ( OnSubscribeFn &&  on_subscribe)

Creates rpp::specific_observable with passed action as OnSubscribe.

Template Parameters
Typemanually specified type of value provided by this observable
on_subscribeis action called after subscription on this observable
rpp::specific_observable with passed action
rpp::source::create<int>([](const auto& sub)
.subscribe([](int v) { std::cout << v << std::endl; });
// Output: 42
int val = 42;
rpp::source::create<int>([val](const auto& sub)
.subscribe([](int v) { std::cout << v << std::endl; });
// Output: 42
rpp::source::create([](const rpp::dynamic_subscriber<int>& sub)
.subscribe([](int v) { std::cout << v << std::endl; });
// Output: 42
subscriber which uses dynamic_observer<T> to hide original callbacks
Definition: dynamic_subscriber.hpp:24
See also

◆ empty()

template<constraint::decayed_type Type>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::empty_tag, Type>
auto rpp::observable::empty ( )

Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits no items but terminates normally.

Template Parameters
Typetype of value to specify observable
See also

◆ error()

template<constraint::decayed_type Type>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::error_tag, Type>
auto rpp::observable::error ( const std::exception_ptr &  err)

Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits no items and terminates with an error.

Template Parameters
Typetype of value to specify observable
errexception ptr to be sent to subscriber
See also

◆ from_callable()

template<memory_model memory_model>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::from_tag, decltype(callable)>
auto rpp::observable::from_callable ( std::invocable<> auto &&  callable)

Creates rpp::specific_observable that calls provided callable and emits resulting value of this callable.

Template Parameters
memory_modelrpp::memory_model strategy used to handle callable
rpp::source::from_callable([]() {return 49; }).subscribe([](int v) {std::cout << v << " "; });
// Output: 49
See also

◆ from_iterable()

template<memory_model memory_model, schedulers::constraint::scheduler TScheduler>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::from_tag, TScheduler >
auto rpp::observable::from_iterable ( constraint::iterable auto &&  iterable,
const TScheduler &  scheduler 

Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits a items from provided iterable.

Template Parameters
memory_modelrpp::memory_model strategy used to handle provided iterable
scheduleris scheduler used for scheduling of submissions: next item will be submitted to scheduler when previous one is executed
iterablecontainer with values which will be flattened
std::vector<int> vals{ 1,2,3 };
rpp::source::from_iterable(vals).subscribe([](int v) {std::cout << v << " "; });
std::vector<int> vals{ 1,2,3 };
rpp::source::from_iterable<rpp::memory_model::use_shared>(vals).subscribe([](int v) {std::cout << v << " "; });
std::vector<int> vals{ 1,2,3 };
rpp::source::from_iterable(vals, rpp::schedulers::new_thread{}).as_blocking().subscribe([](int v) {std::cout << v << " "; });
scheduler which schedules execution of schedulables via queueing tasks to another thread with priorit...
Definition: new_thread_scheduler.hpp:32
See also

◆ interval() [1/2]

template<schedulers::constraint::scheduler TScheduler = schedulers::trampoline>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::interval_tag, TScheduler>
auto rpp::observable::interval ( schedulers::duration  first_delay,
schedulers::duration  period,
const TScheduler &  scheduler 

Creates rpp::specific_observable which emits sequence of size_t every provided time interval with first emission after provided delay.

first_delayperiod which would be used to delay first emission
periodperiod which would be used to delay emissions between each other
schedulerused for scheduling this periodic emissions
rpp::specific_observable which emits values with provided time_interval
auto cur_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
rpp::source::interval(std::chrono::seconds{ 1}, std::chrono::seconds{ 2 })
.subscribe([cur_time](size_t v)
auto diff = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - cur_time).count();
std::cout << "Seconds since start " << diff << " value " << v << std::endl;
// Output: Seconds since start 1 value 0
// Seconds since start 3 value 1
// Seconds since start 5 value 2
// Seconds since start 7 value 3
// Seconds since start 9 value 4
See also

◆ interval() [2/2]

template<schedulers::constraint::scheduler TScheduler = schedulers::trampoline>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::interval_tag, TScheduler>
auto rpp::observable::interval ( schedulers::duration  period,
const TScheduler &  scheduler 

Creates rpp::specific_observable which emits sequence of size_t every provided time interval.

\warn First emission also scheduled and delayed with same interval

periodperiod which would be used to delay emissions between each other
schedulerused for scheduling this periodic emissions
rpp::specific_observable which emits values with provided time_interval
auto cur_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
rpp::source::interval(std::chrono::seconds{ 2 })
.subscribe([cur_time](size_t v)
auto diff = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - cur_time).count();
std::cout << "Seconds since start " << diff << " value " << v << std::endl;
// Output: Seconds since start 2 value 0
// Seconds since start 4 value 1
// Seconds since start 6 value 2
// Seconds since start 8 value 3
// Seconds since start 10 value 4
See also

◆ just() [1/2]

template<memory_model memory_model, typename T , typename ... Ts>
requires (rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::just_tag, T, Ts...> && (constraint::decayed_same_as<T, Ts> && ...))
auto rpp::observable::just ( const schedulers::constraint::scheduler auto &  scheduler,
T &&  item,
Ts &&...  items 

Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits a particular items and completes.

Template Parameters
memory_modelrpp::memory_model startegy used to handle provided items
Schedulertype of scheduler used for scheduling of submissions: next item will be submitted to scheduler when previous one is executed
itemfirst value to be sent
itemsrest values to be sent
rpp::specific_observable with provided item
rpp::source::just(42, 53, 10, 1).subscribe([](int v) { std::cout << v << std::endl; });
// Output: 42 53 10 1
std::array<int, 100> cheap_to_copy_1{};
std::array<int, 100> cheap_to_copy_2{};
rpp::source::just<rpp::memory_model::use_shared>(cheap_to_copy_1, cheap_to_copy_2).subscribe();
rpp::source::just(rpp::schedulers::new_thread{}, 42, 53).subscribe();
See also

◆ just() [2/2]

template<memory_model memory_model, typename T , typename ... Ts>
requires (rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::just_tag, T, Ts...> && (constraint::decayed_same_as<T, Ts> && ...))
auto rpp::observable::just ( T &&  item,
Ts &&...  items 

Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits a particular items and completes.

this overloading uses trampoline scheduler as default
Template Parameters
memory_modelrpp::memory_model startegy used to handle provided items
itemfirst value to be sent
itemsrest values to be sent
rpp::specific_observable with provided item
rpp::source::just(42, 53, 10, 1).subscribe([](int v) { std::cout << v << std::endl; });
// Output: 42 53 10 1
std::array<int, 100> cheap_to_copy_1{};
std::array<int, 100> cheap_to_copy_2{};
rpp::source::just<rpp::memory_model::use_shared>(cheap_to_copy_1, cheap_to_copy_2).subscribe();
rpp::source::just(rpp::schedulers::new_thread{}, 42, 53).subscribe();
See also

◆ never()

template<constraint::decayed_type Type>
requires rpp::details::is_header_included<rpp::details::never_tag, Type>
auto rpp::observable::never ( )

Creates rpp::specific_observable that emits no items and does not terminate.

Template Parameters
Typetype of value to specify observable
See also