One more implementation of ReactiveX approach in C++ with care about performance and templates in mind
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API reference
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 RPPRpp is Reactive extension for C++20
 ObservablesObservable is the source of any Reactive Stream. Observable provides ability to subscribe observer on some events
 ObserversObserver subscribe on observable and obtains values provided by observable
 OperatorsOperators is way to modify observables and extend with some extra custom logic
 Transforming OperatorsTransforming operators are operators that transform items provided by observable
 Filtering OperatorsFiltering operators are operators that emit only part of items that satisfies some condition
 Conditional OperatorsConditional operators are operators that emit items based on some condition including condition of items from other observables
 Combining OperatorsCombining operators are operators that combines emissions of multiple observables into same observable by some rule
 Aggregate OperatorsAggregate operators are operators on the entire sequence of items provided by observable
 Utility OperatorsUtility operators are operators that provide some extra functionality without changing of original values, but changing of behaviour
 Connectable OperatorsConnectable operators are operators that provide extra functionality for multicasting of controlling of subscription
 Error handling OperatorsError handling operators Operators that help to recover from error notifications from an Observable
 Creational OperatorsCreational operators are operators that create new observable
 SchedulersScheduler is the way to introduce multi-threading in your application via RPP
 SubjectsObservable is the observable and observer at the same time. Uses as a bridge and for manual sending of values
 RPPQTRppQt is extension of RPP which enables support of Qt library
 QT OperatorsQT Operators is way to modify observables and extend with some extra custom logic but applied for QObjects
 QT Creational OperatorsQT creational operators are operators that create new observable from QObjects
 QT SchedulersScheduler is the way to introduce multi-threading in your application via RPP