One more implementation of ReactiveX approach in C++ with care about performance and templates in mind
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rpp::details::lift_on_subscribe< NewType, OperatorFn, ChildLiftArgs > Struct Template Reference

Functor of "lift" operator for on_subscribe overload function. More...

#include <lift.hpp>

Detailed Description

template<constraint::decayed_type NewType, lift_fn< NewType > OperatorFn, typename ... ChildLiftArgs>
struct rpp::details::lift_on_subscribe< NewType, OperatorFn, ChildLiftArgs >

Functor of "lift" operator for on_subscribe overload function.

Each observable has an on_subscribe function and observable is activated (pub-sub channel is established) after on_subscribe is called. The on_subscribe is called when the observable is subscribed by a subscriber

_thisis the current observable.
opis the functor that provides the "operator()(subscriber_of_new_type) -> subscriber_of_old_type".

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: